IBWC kicked off 2024 with a festive February Happy Hour get together with a bit of an Austrian flair. This was the first happy hour of the new year and a wonderful time was had by all. Members gathered to share stories, laughter, good food and wine.

This year we started a new tradition – in addition to each member sharing a bit of their origin story and background, we also took time to share something positive we want to celebrate.

The atmosphere was one of strong women supporting each other, lifting each other up, and celebrating one another’s accomplishments and joys. There was a great sense of camaraderie and sisterhood.

We want to thank all the amazing ladies who make this group such a safe and empowering space. Here’s to more happy hours, more celebrations, and more reasons to raise a glass together in 2024!

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IBWC Membership

The Immigrant Businesswomen Circle is an organization comprised of first- and second-generation immigrant businesswomen supporting and uplifting each other.

Upcoming Events

IBWC Lunch Meeting 3/13/25

March 13 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

IBWC Coffee & Conversation 4/24/25

April 24 @ 9:00 am - 10:30 am

IBWC Happy Hour 5/22/25

May 22 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm